Manitoba Promises Aggressive Defense of Canadian Hog Producers
Farmscape for March 19, 2004 (Episode 1471) Manitoba's Agriculture Minister is promising an aggressive defense of Canadian pork producers against American efforts to impose countervail and antidumping duties on live Canadian hogs. American pork producers have filed anti-dumping and countervailing duty petitions to address increased imports of Canadian live hogs. The petition alleges subsidized Canadian hogs are being dumped into the US causing US prices to plummet harming American producers. Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives Minister Rosann Wowchuk says this is not the way trade should be going and she's disappointed with the US action. Clip-Rosann Wowchuk-Manitoba Agriculture Minister There's a concern on my part where the US can attack anything. You look at how many times they've filed a petition against our wheat board, I think nine times, and they have not been successful and so now they go after another area. It's a serious issue because we have such a large pork industry and our industries are very integrated. We raise weanlings because our producers can raise them but they go to the US because the US feed is subsidized so highly that they can afford to finish those hogs at a cheaper price. It's a concern and we, the Canadian government and the provinces, will be looking at this very closely and will be responding to the various allegations and we will be very aggressive on our action on this once we know what the full details are. Wowchuk says provincial agriculture department staff are on hand for meetings in Washington monitoring developments on the issue and the province will be responding as the matter unfolds. She points out Manitoba is Canada's largest exporter of both weanling and slaughter pigs and will be significantly impacted if duties are introduced. For Farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane. *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork Council