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Ritz Announces Five Year Funding Committment for International Pork Promotion
Gerry Ritz - Canada Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Farmscape for January 24, 2014

Canada's agriculture minister has announced a 15 million dollar federal commitment over five years to help the Canadian pork industry promote its products in foreign markets.

In 2012, the Canadian pork sector generated 3.2 billion dollars in export sales.
Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz told those on hand yesterday as part of the 2014 Banff Pork Seminar the government and the pork industry share an aggressive trade agenda.

Clip-Gerry Ritz-Canada Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food:
We work hard to finalize the Canada European trade agreement, we'll continue to develop the Asia-Pacific market through the Trans-Pacific Partnership while focussing on key markets like China and South |Korea where FTA talks have resumed.

We will also continue our close working relationship with Canada Pork International to expand our customer base ensuring more of our great Canadian pork reaches more consumers across Canada and around the world.
The bottom line is our government has been there for the Canadian pork industry and we will continue to be.
Our investment under Growing Forward-1 was well utilized by your industry and today we build on that momentum and that commitment.Today I'm proud to announce that our government is investing a further 15 million dollars over the next five years to work with Canada Pork International to help differentiate and promote Canadian pork in markets such as Japan, the European Union and different spots in South America.
These dollars will support market focussed initiatives such as organizing promotional actives in priority markets that you'll point out, investigating and reporting on export market opportunities.
Data, knowledge is power, undertaking missions to targeted markets and of course hosting incoming missions from those targeted markets.
The Canadian pork sector's ability to adapt to changing trade environments while still providing high quality pork at competitive pricing makes it well positioned to compete in both established and emerging markets here and around the world.

Ritz says the overall goal remains to ensure long term prosperity for pork producers and processors and the industry as a whole.
He says the government remains committed to working with the pork industry to help provide producers with the tools needed to continue to succeed.
For Farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork Council

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