Manitoba Squeal on Pigs Campaign Generates Exceptional Public Response

Farmscape for May 2, 2023

The Coordinator of Squeal on Pigs Manitoba reports the public's response to the province's "Squeal on Pigs" campaign has been exceptional.
In January 2022 Manitoba Pork, the Government of Canada and the Province of Manitoba, in collaboration with Manitoba’s agricultural sector, launched the Squeal on Pigs campaign to inform the public about the damage caused by wild pigs and what to watch for and to provide a mechanism to report sightings.
Squeal on Pigs Manitoba Coordinator Dr. Wayne Lees says wild pigs are an invasive species that damage crops and the environment and they pose a risk for the spread of disease.

Clip-Dr. Wayne Lees-Squeal on Pigs Manitoba:
Last year, in 2022, we had 127 sightings reported to us through the Squeal on Pigs campaign.
As a result of efforts, we removed 122 pigs through either trapping or that were shot.
We conducted close to two dozen media interviews to alert the public about this and we've had lots of sightings that people have reported, especially in the areas around the Spruce Woods area but the sightings are a little bit more widespread than we first anticipated and they go further north and further east than what we had first thought of.
Our goal really is to eradicate wild pigs from Manitoba.
They're an invasive species that don't belong here.
Through a concerted effort and through partnerships that we've made with other agencies, through public collaboration, I think we’ll get to that goal but it'll take some time.

Dr. Lees notes the best way to report a sighting of wild pigs or evidence of wild pigs is through the Squeal on Pigs website at but sightings can also be reported through the toll-free line at 1 833-SPOTPIG.
For more visit Farmscape.Ca.
Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is produced on behalf of North America’s pork producers