Cattle Producers Express Concern Over Proposed Changes to Animal Transport Regulations

Farmscape for June 7, 2006  (Episode 2160)


The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association is voicing its concern over some of the changes being considered to regulations governing the movement of livestock in Canada.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is accepting stakeholder comment on amendments being considered to regulations under the health of animals act which pertain to the transport of livestock.

Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association appointed director Dr. Byrnne Rothwell says, while it does make sense to update the 30 year old regulations, cattle producers have questions about some of the proposed changes.


Clip-Dr. Brynne Rothwell-Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association

For instance, reducing the confinement travel times from 48 hours down to 36 hours for ruminant animals and from 36 down to 24 for monogastrics, that is horses, pigs and so on, we would like to see the research that would indicate that there's a welfare benefit to those reduced times.

Another one of the changes is to increase the feed, water and rest times from five to eight hours.

Currently, if animals are going to Ontario, they're able to make it from, say, Moose Jaw to Kitchener in 44 hours.

If the times are reduced to 36 hours and the feed, water and rest times are increased to eight hours it does mean that they'll have to stop at West Hawk Lake or Thunder Bay so, instead of 44 hours as an example, you would be looking at 52 hours for that trip.


Dr. Rothwell says stock growers are not in a position to say whether or not these change should take place but they would like to see the documentation and research which would bare out that this does have a clear welfare benefit.

For farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane.


       *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork Council