Farmscape for June 28, 2018
The Chair of Swine Innovation Porc says the ability to bring together scientists from Canada's universities government research centres and other research institutions across Canada has been one of the major successes of Canada's AgriScience Research Cluster Program.
On Tuesday Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay, surrounded by pork sector stakeholders in Sherbrook, Quebec, officially launched the Swine Cluster 3 Research Program, a five year research imitative administered through Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
Under the program up to 18.5 million dollars will be invested by the federal government and pork sector partners in research that will further the development of the Canadian pork industry.
Stewart Cressman, the Chair of Swine Innovation Porc, this investment will address the significant research priorities that have been identified by the pork sector.
Clip-Stewart Cressman-Swine Innovation Porc:
One of the big benefits that we've seen over the previous two cluster programs is the ability to collaborate between researchers at different institutions and leverage knowledge that is present at different universities, so having professors, assistant professors from different universities working collaboratively on a project as well as with research scientists that are located at the different federal research stations.
I think that has been a real benefit.
Then, certainly part of our project is knowledge translation and transfer, taking the knowledge that is generated and getting it into the hands of producers so they can implement it on their farms or implement it in the production lines at the processing plants.
Cressman says this significant investment demonstrates Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's commitment to support industry-led research and the program’s research projects will help increase the competitiveness of the Canadian pork sector.
For Farmscape.Ca, I'm Bruce Cochrane.
*Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork